When you really want to save money it is best to buy items that are not in season. Spring and summer clothing are on sale as winter approaches. It is hard to buy clothing and wait to wear it but you can save a fortune if you take the time to look for the clearance rack. I have been able to find some great buys for next years Spring and Summer wardrobe. If you like to shop then pick one day a month that you can go to several of your favorite stores and check the clearance items. the time is worth the money that you will save.
The same is true for gardening supplies. Now is a great time to order plants and seeds for next years garden. With all the reports of listeria, a bacteria that was found on cantaloupes and other fresh vegetables making people sick and even killed some now is the time to grow your own foods. Prices at the grocery store continue to rise and fresh foods from your own garden will save money especially if you purchase the seeds now.
Purchasing seeds this fall helps by getting seeds started in February saving you from buying expensive plants next year. Another good reason to order items now is that they will not send the item until it is time for your area to plant it. This is a good reminder of when to plant it if you are new to gardening. A smart gardener buys sustainable seeds so that he can use the seeds in next years garden.
The person that plans ahead of time when it comes to major holidays or seasons is a person that can really save a lot of money in this recession. Now is not the time to buy Halloween items as they will be very expensive. If you can wait until the season is over with you can buy twice as much with the same amount of money.
Purchasing Christmas presents now may save you some as the early shopper gets the merchandise and no last minute disappointments. If you are a person that waits until the last minute it may actually be better to wait until the day after Christmas to shop. I have found that certain products are almost 50% less the day after Christmas.
Now is not the best time to buy Christmas decorations but I have noticed that mass merchandisers are worried about a slow year so some of the items are priced lower than usual. Take advantage of any deals you can get and use this recession to your advantage by buying early or after the event has occurred.
Another way to save money is to buy items at a garage sale or auctions. I have purchased a brand new riding lawn mower at a garage sale paying half of what the store sold it for. You also need to know that you can barter in certain stores if you make the effort. Sometimes it works and sometime not. Being at the right place at the right time also helps. Practice up on your bartering skills as it is a talent and will work if you make the effort.
Thinking ahead really does pay off so plan next year this year. Right now is a good time to think of the 4th of July or summer needs like picnics and camping. Just remember that in the world of shopping it is better to plan for next year so you cans save money today.
To supply unbiased information on products and services that save you money and/or time. The spirit is "Pay it Forward" helping all people survive hard times with no pressure using totally honest methods.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Save on water and electricity
Opening my monthly water bill about made me have a heart attack last month. A month of water usually runs two people about $28 dollars. This particular water bill was $103 and it was all due to a small leak or should I say large leak around the rubber stopper of the stool. It is hard to believe that we used 25,000 gallons of water that month. Make sure to fix any leaks even if it is just a drip.
We work too hard for our money to give it away to the water company. Also turn off and unplug any items you can. When a can opener or anything is plugged in even when not running it draws some electricity. After we did this for one month we notice a big savings in the electricity and water bill. Try it and you will see a difference.
We work too hard for our money to give it away to the water company. Also turn off and unplug any items you can. When a can opener or anything is plugged in even when not running it draws some electricity. After we did this for one month we notice a big savings in the electricity and water bill. Try it and you will see a difference.
cost of living,
electricity. water,
how to save money,
Save money,
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Honest Americans
A majority of people are honest and trying to live within their means. In this economy it is very hard to live, work and have enough money to put food on the table. My hat goes off to these Americans that cannot afford to live but do there best to keep on trying to survive. We are classified as the working poor. I call us the people that keep America going. The taxes we pay is what keeps the government running while we go into debt actually working a minimum wage job.
We have to be more creative, stronger and wiser to live than giving up and taking money from government programs. You are true blooded Americans and should be applauded for your effort to keep on helping our country. So you have to go to Harvesters to get food once a month. Thank God that there are people that help these programs. The average American is honest and deserves more attention than what you are getting. You can actually run your household on less money than what it costs for one meal in the White House.
Do not let anything separate us, the people, as we are the backbone of this country. We will keep coming and together we will pull us out of this recession. I only fear that because we cannot afford to give our family all they deserve that some people will steal your money using dishonest means. Do not let the people that promise the stars and deliver nothing take your money. Use your energy and money to create and build, not to destroy.
There are many people that if given the opportunity have an idea for a good business that could create jobs. We need to rely on ourselves and trust the honest Americans to get us out of this recession. The person that is hardworking and has an idea for a business but cannot put it into action due to NO MONEY needs to be trusted by the banks we put our money in. Honest hardworking Americans are a great risk as they know what it is like to need. Is there anyone willing to have faith and take a risk on us changing our economy?
We have to be more creative, stronger and wiser to live than giving up and taking money from government programs. You are true blooded Americans and should be applauded for your effort to keep on helping our country. So you have to go to Harvesters to get food once a month. Thank God that there are people that help these programs. The average American is honest and deserves more attention than what you are getting. You can actually run your household on less money than what it costs for one meal in the White House.
Do not let anything separate us, the people, as we are the backbone of this country. We will keep coming and together we will pull us out of this recession. I only fear that because we cannot afford to give our family all they deserve that some people will steal your money using dishonest means. Do not let the people that promise the stars and deliver nothing take your money. Use your energy and money to create and build, not to destroy.
There are many people that if given the opportunity have an idea for a good business that could create jobs. We need to rely on ourselves and trust the honest Americans to get us out of this recession. The person that is hardworking and has an idea for a business but cannot put it into action due to NO MONEY needs to be trusted by the banks we put our money in. Honest hardworking Americans are a great risk as they know what it is like to need. Is there anyone willing to have faith and take a risk on us changing our economy?
comments needed,
cost of living,
Creative ways,
help your community,
saving money,
working together
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