Friday, April 22, 2011

A Single Blade Of Grass and Humans

I remember all that I am grateful for and it includes the little to the big things. I started thinking of the blade of grass story and how the Lord took such care in making a single blade of grass. Many single blades of grass make up a yard but a closer look and each are unique.

With even more care God created humans in his own image. Grouped together we are just a big crowd of people that look similar. Humans are like the blades of grass there are no two people that look or act alike.
The things that make each of us different can only be seen if we take the time to look closer.

Enjoy the miracles of people that cross our paths in life as they are for a reason. We may not know why at the time especially if they are not like us at all. We all learn things from each other that helps us grow in ways we may not expect.

Take the first step to get to know a person as they may need you as much as you need them. New people in my life have taught me a lot but I would have never known if I listened to what others said about them. Some ended up becoming my best friends. You can never have too many friends.

Have a great Easter!

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