Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Enemies of the garden

A freelance writer for examiner.com I am writing articles about gardening in Kansas City. I would really appreciate your feedback, suggestions or events that you would like to let people in Kansas City know about. Buying local vegetables helps our economy and growing your own plants saves you even more. To save money at the grocery store on the rising costs of vegetables many people are growing gardens in 2011.

When onions cost around $2 per pound and you are a onion lover you can easily save money by growing your own. Bell peppers are a favorite and they are running about $2 per pepper. By purchasing a few plants you can have fresh vegetables all summer long. Growing your own means you know exactly what you are feeding your family and it is a great family activity. Check out my postings on the examiner and find out ways to save money and time when gardening this year.

Enemies of the garden

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