Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ways to save money and put the scam artist out of business

Being 55 and without a job at this age makes it difficult to live. This is one way to saving money over age 55 . This site will give you some ideas on how to save $10 everyday. I found it to be very informative and  the information is totally free. There is one thing for sure and that is today you can get a lot of information for free if you have the internet.

On my other blog I have a web address of how to get employment if you are disabled and it is also free. FREE should be totally free with nothing attached. Not even your e-mail address. I have decided to block all senders to my e-mail account as there are too many greedy people on-line ready to take your money and your identity.

It is really a greedy world so make sure to check all e-mails out that offer anything before you click on them and do not believe everything you read. Sorry to be so negative but the scams are out of control. Check out my other blog post so I do not repeat myself anymore. Free help and job information for the disabled

May God bless the honest people of this world.

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