Thursday, May 26, 2011

Report annoying calls or scam artist

What is more annoying than a prank call, telemarketing call or even worse a phone call from someone that is out to steal your identity. Today I found a great site to block, report or check out unknown phone numbers to see if they are on the call list of known scams or spammers. Today everyone needs to be careful what information you give out and no one wants unwanted calls from anyone especially on your cell phone when you are paying for the calls or messages.

This link can help you see who is calling and you can report those irritating calls that may help someone else not get scammed. By reporting these calls everyone may be able to stop these thieves. This is a totally free service that can help stop, check or alert others about spam calls.

It also has information about getting on the "Federal no call list" and the State no call list. I recommend this site to anyone that needs to check a number out and/or report harassing phone calls. Working together we can block or stop those unwanted numbers that waste your time and money.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ways to save money and put the scam artist out of business

Being 55 and without a job at this age makes it difficult to live. This is one way to saving money over age 55 . This site will give you some ideas on how to save $10 everyday. I found it to be very informative and  the information is totally free. There is one thing for sure and that is today you can get a lot of information for free if you have the internet.

On my other blog I have a web address of how to get employment if you are disabled and it is also free. FREE should be totally free with nothing attached. Not even your e-mail address. I have decided to block all senders to my e-mail account as there are too many greedy people on-line ready to take your money and your identity.

It is really a greedy world so make sure to check all e-mails out that offer anything before you click on them and do not believe everything you read. Sorry to be so negative but the scams are out of control. Check out my other blog post so I do not repeat myself anymore. Free help and job information for the disabled

May God bless the honest people of this world.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saving money, time and space with books

Originally you pay about $120 for a Kindle 3. As a person with little space in my home for books I simply could not fit one more book on my shelves. My husband and I are avid readers and have spent thousands of $$$ on books. Now except for my reference books they are rarely used and take time dusting and space needed for the important things like pictures of my grandchildren. The Kindle 3 is a great way to save money, time and space and I have more information that is easily found.

This solves many of my problems at one time. No more dusting and less expense sure helps in this generation. I download free information that is valuable and pay less for books that we read. They are easy to read and store information that I want. To learn more about this product go to Kelly Says and see my review of this product.

If you already have one you are light years ahead of me. There is one good thing about not buying the first product made is they make a newer version that has been updated and all the bugs are fairly well worked out by then. One more idea is to trade off books with friends or visiting your local library if you have the time.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gardening products planning ahead for 2012

Jiffy 5718 Professional Greenhouse 50-Plant Starter KitBurpee 72-Cell Greenhouse Kit - Seed StartingJiffy 5262 Self Watering Professional Greenhouse 70-Plant Starter KitVegetables, Herbs and Fruit: An Illustrated Encyclopedia
Prices of food are not going down anytime soon according to news reports. Planting seeds for tomato and pepper plants save you more money for a garden in 2012. Seeds cost less than plants so think ahead and grow your own plants next year. 

Enemies of the garden

A freelance writer for I am writing articles about gardening in Kansas City. I would really appreciate your feedback, suggestions or events that you would like to let people in Kansas City know about. Buying local vegetables helps our economy and growing your own plants saves you even more. To save money at the grocery store on the rising costs of vegetables many people are growing gardens in 2011.

When onions cost around $2 per pound and you are a onion lover you can easily save money by growing your own. Bell peppers are a favorite and they are running about $2 per pepper. By purchasing a few plants you can have fresh vegetables all summer long. Growing your own means you know exactly what you are feeding your family and it is a great family activity. Check out my postings on the examiner and find out ways to save money and time when gardening this year.

Enemies of the garden