Thursday, July 14, 2011

A family that cleans together has more fun

Everyone likes a clean house even if you are a family that is sloppy by nature. A messy house creates mental confusion and chaos according to scientific reports (source unknown). When each family member participates in cleaning up each mess made directly afterwords this can majorly improve life both mentally and physically.
Answer these questions so you can decide if cleanliness is important to you:
  1. Do you feel compelled to clean a mess made by another person?
  2. Can you find anything you need in your home without searching for it?
  3. What is your definition of clean?
  4. Do you talk about how clean or dirty another persons house is?
  5. Can your house be messy and clean at the same time?
  6. Do you empty an ashtray or a trashcan before it is full?
  7. When you clean do you get worn out just after picking up the general mess?
  8. Can you clean the bathrooms, kitchen, dust and do 1 deep cleaning chore all in one day?
  9. Are you embarrassed when someone unexpected comes to your home?
  10. Do you feel uncomfortable or motivated to clean about your home after visiting a clean home?
  11. What do you consider to be a clean home?
  12. Is your opinion of a clean home the same as your family members?
  13. Just answer with the word clean so I know you are answering these questions?
  14. Define a dirty house.
  15. Do you have OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
  16. Do you constantly make excuses for the mess in your home to visitors?
After answering these questions could you have cleaned at least one room? If your family helps you do the housework you do have more time to have fun. A family that uses teamwork to get the house clean has more fun and time to have fun. They have also taught their family valuable life skills. Now if you do not feel guilty about the state of your house at this very moment then you have a clean home or do not care how others view your home. I know sloppy people that function quite well and are generally happy with life.

Life is too short to spend it cleaning! If you learned about what is important to you by answering these questions then this post was worth the time. You can fix what is broken when you know the problem if there is one. Picking up each mess will help you really clean your home. As an ex-professional cleaner it can be done in 2-4 hours depending on the size of your home. Less time with teamwork! It sure feels great mentally to come home to a clean home.

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