Monday, March 14, 2011

St Patricks Day and the Snakes

St. Patrick is famous for chasing all the snakes out of Ireland. It is also the day the little gnomes and leprechauns gather around the trees to frolic and play. Magical things occur for those who believe. If you are a person that does not believe in things unseen then I feel sorry for you. Surely you have seen them or is it just the luck of the Irish that have that rare opportunity to watch them display their  magic.

I am part Irish and on a March 17th, 2000, I won $1250 at the boats on just one quarter. I was truly the best gambler that day as I left after putting my last quarter in a slot machine a won 80 more quarters. What a day that was as it was a blessing in disguise of a car payment that was due and a little shopping spree.

On March 11 in eastern Kansas we were having a great time by the pond watching some ducks take their first swim when a snake appeared in the water. Snakes usually are not out at this time of the year. We have the venomous cottonmouth, copperhead and the rattlesnake but this luckily was a harmless snake. I have lived in Kansas for a long time and even though I have saw many a snake and not once I have been bitten. Where is St. Patrick when we needed him? I guess Kansas is to far away from Ireland.

Two days later we had 5" of snow. That is life in the rural Midwest. We are noted for our beautiful sunsets, fields of wheat, sunflowers and the Flint Hills. You may not think of Kansas when you think of places you want to go but since I was born on the plains I have learned that it has many beautiful things to enjoy.

The only thing that you really need to worry about are the snakes and spiders but we won't even go there. I call myself a Kansan and I am very proud of it. The moral of this story is enjoy the things you have and don't have. Enjoy your St. Patrick's day and don't step on any leprechauns. I wish you the "luck of the Irish" and hope your life is filled with good times, memories and blessings.

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