Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Halloween Costumes-Memories

It's too bad if you do not have a grandmother like mine. She was a magical seamstress and could create a great Halloween costume like magic. When I was 11 years old I told her that I wanted to be Robin, Batman's partner. She watched the show for 5 minutes and the next morning she had created a costume of Robin down to the last detail. I had the mask, cape, shoes, exact colors and I was a hit at the Halloween party that year.

The next year I wanted to be Genie off of "I Dream of Genie". She again watched the show for 5 minutes and the next morning, like magic there was the costume on the kitchen table. What a grandmother to have. She even had a heart for my belly button. The fabric was gold silk and the arms and legs were made from a netted  fabric. The head dressing was exactly like Genie wore on the show. I must say that I looked exactly like Genie. It was the best and most original costume that Halloween.

The only problem was this particular Halloween in Oklahoma happened to be very cold and rainy so a coat covered my beautiful costume as I went trick and treating from house to house. I wore that costume many times after Halloween as it was great for playing dress up. I was the envy of all my friends. My grandmother was gifted with a unique talent of sewing and without her magic I would have been just wearing a store bought costume like everyone else. Being unique adds to the excitement of Halloween.

Memories of my grandmother will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope all of you could be so lucky to have a grandmother like mine. She had magic in her fingers and a talent that is hard to find today. What costume are you going to wear for Halloween this year? It is time to start deciding on what you want to be as looking for the articles you need may take some time. If not you'll be the one wearing an ordinary, unoriginal costume, unless you have a magical grandmother like mine.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ideas For A Great Halloween Party

Best Costume
Scariest Costume
Halloween Treasure Hunt for adults and children
Pumpkin painting contest
Bobbing for apples
Best trick for a treat-Charades
Haunted House
Ghost Stories
I will keep adding to the fun and games list so stay tuned!
Your ideas are welcomed anytime as I want to make this a great site to find fun things to do!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Halloween-Brainstorming Activites

Kelly and my friend Susie will work together- Our first Halloween Party!

Who to invite: Total will be10-adults and 14-kids, for us this is about the right amount of people according to the space we have available. Total 24 people.Space will be important to help us decide on games to play.

Where: At my house using both indoors and outdoors. That way if the weather is bad we can all still be comfortable within the space.

When: October 30, at 4 pm.-9 pm. Everyone on our list can attend as this allows them to spend Halloween night with their kids. Everyone gets to be in on the fun this way.

Party Theme: Halloween so dress up if you want as we will have a costume contest for the young and old.
I am making and send my own invitations and most of the people I am inviting have computers so I can use a card site to generate unique invitations and they can RSVP.
What I need to do
*find a free card site
*begin looking for our costumes
Researching where the best site is to find costumes and invitations I will post what my findings are.
These are my first steps to make sure that all will go smoothly.

Next we will put the beginning of our brainstorming of ideas for the party. We also look forward to your suggestions.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Halloween-Planning A Party

Are you the person that likes to give the party? Would you like to have a great party? If this is the case then lets get ready to party! Preparation for the best Halloween party takes time and energy. Planning a party takes a lot of work to make it a great party. I encourage others to share their stories of parties you have had in the past both the good and bad party experiences so others can learn. By helping each other we will make this Halloween the best yet and everyone will have a great time!.

As you know giving a party is stressful but by planning and preparation means that you will have as much fun as your guests do which is how it should be. Encouraging friends and/or family to help prepare and plan will help add to having a fun experience for all. This can also save you some money which decreases the stress.

Step 1: Take out a piece of paper and start with how many people and ages of people that will invite.Write the names and the age of the people you are inviting then count up the number. This puts everything into perspective so you can begin the list of ideas.

Step 2: Begin brainstorming making a list of everything you can think of related to possible games and entertainment. Keep in mind that even though Halloween is not just a kids holiday and it brings out the kid in all ages. Adults enjoy being a kid so they may enjoy playing the same games as the kids.There is always some adult that will start the games with enthusiasm and this encourages the rest to the guests. I have had some great parties where adults and kids played games like duck, duck, goose, goose or red rover and had a great time Begin with all the activities you want to do even if it sounds silly at the time. We will add and subtract from the list later.

Step 3: Send out invitations about 3-4 weeks in advance to allow people time to RSVP. This will give you plenty of time to target in on what you need for the festivities. Remember to keep your brainstorming list close by to add things you may think of at a later time. Being creative will give a Halloween party that everyone will talk about for years to come. I will be post my list and hope that you will leave feedback for others to get ideas as well.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Halloween-Getting Into The Mood

Halloween is a great holiday for kids and grownups alike. It gives kids a chance to dress up and get loads of candy. Adults dress up in wild costumes being a kid again. This holiday is enjoyed by the young and old alike. Here you will find the best places to find unique costumes, decorations and unique websites that make your Halloween a scary, exciting and experience.

This blog will provide you with valuable information about Halloween. It will contain information about how the holiday came into existence, scary stories, games, haunted house ideas, recipes, party ideas and anything that will make this Halloween an exciting experience for you. Let me do the work and you enjoy the holiday.

*This is my first attempt to make a living on-line by providing you with service that will allow you to find products and information you want all in one place. Honesty is my mission, vision and values. Any feedback to improve this site is welcomed so leave a comment.

Monday, September 13, 2010

An American Crusade-Doing my Part to Generate our Economy

I am on a crusade to find a small group of newbie marketers that would like to earn a living on-line by working together like a study group. As wife and grandmother I really need to have an on-line business in my life at this time. Being 50 and unemployed in this economy I am finding it very difficult to find a job that I can survive on. I am trying desperately to hold on to what I have for once in life.

I know there is money to be made but I cannot afford to put out a fortune to learn or be scammed by anyone if you know what I mean. I am looking for other people that may be interested in working together to generate ideas to start on-line businesses. I am not looking to be a millionaire but I want to make enough money to survive in this economy and not have to worry about if I will lose my house or not.

I also am trying to find a  way to encourage people to purchase products from American Affiliates and I am not trying to offend people from other countries as it's a free market and I would just like to make my share of the profits. I told you I would be honest and never lie to my customers just to sell a product. One way to generate money in our own economy is to encourage people to buy from American Affiliates.

This is just an idea at the moment but with or without help I will start my on-line business. I just want anyone that makes a purchase from me to believe that I will not lie to you or give you any hype. I will give you the information and then you can either buy the product or not. It is totally up to you what you do. If you need the product and you can buy it from me is is a win-win situation. No one can lose.

I know there is money to be made on the internet so why not keep what we can in our country and help fellow Americans. I really am looking for like minded group of people to do some brainstorming for the most profitable and reliable products without charging anyone to learn. Your pay will be helping someone learn that really needs the help and has no money.

You could work as a team or individually.helping each other create profitable on-line businesses by sharing ideas that can make money. If you are interested in doing this with me please leave a message and I will get back with you. As for future customers I will post my first products in just a few days as I am still researching the companies that will give you the best quality and price all in one place. I will guide you to their site and then it is up to you to make the purchase.