Friday, November 19, 2010


I don't know about you but I am ready for the TURKEY DINNER, FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Thanksgiving reminds me to be grateful for all the family and friends I have in my life right now. This year I will not be going to grandma's house as she is no longer with us. I am grateful for all the great turkey feasts we had on Thanksgiving at her house. What a feast they were. She always made it very special and the smells of food, the sound of laughter and seeing the family you only see on Thanksgiving or Christmas brings warmth and fond memories.

Could I make Thanksgiving special like my Grandmother did? Now it is my turn to carry on the tradition for the family. I want to keep some of our family's special traditions alive and create new ones in a subtle manner. The biggest hurtle I have to cross is if I can capture the spirit and essence of the Thanksgiving day of the past years. Times change and so do families. Grandmothers loss affect the family members that use to enjoy the dinner together and they slowly separate off with their own children. The key is trying to hold onto some of the past while adding your own new unique touches. Getting the decorations out is the first thing and now to add my new ideas. 

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