Sunday, February 13, 2011


Showing LOVE does not have to cost you 1 penny. Love is a spirit, an explosion of emotion that has been with us since the beginning of time and it does not take money to prove your love. Adam and Eve where the first people in LOVE. They did not have a store to purchase a gift as they shared love all their lives.

The simple words "I Love You" said in a manner with sincerity, honesty and your actions is all your loved one needs to know how you feel. Showering them with gifts is the retail worlds way of saying "Happy Valentines Day" and the only way you can say it is by reaching in your pocket and spending money you do not have so they can make a fortune on this holiday.

People should not allow the inability to give a gift stop them from showing love in other unique ways. Instead of feeling guilty or like a failure for what you cannot afford get creative and remember that love in itself is a gift that many people do not have. Give yourself if  you cannot afford a retail gift like me. Never let lack of money hinder this special day by feeling sorry for yourself. Sometimes this was all you had to give during your life especially when things were tough and easy street was not in site.

Finding a way that costs' nothing but will mean more and be forever remembered but it requires some imagination. Truly all I need to show love is taking the time to create a card out of anything I have and putting something in it that comes from my heart. Every person that is in love has private words, sayings, pet names or an object that they used in the past or a special moment that occurred years ago but when told again to your love one can arouse the essence and reason for your love that has grown over the years.

Opening a car door for your loved one is something you did while dating but after many years have stopped doing. Cooking a dinner, taking a walk, holding hands, a kiss are all beautiful ways to say "I Love You". So come on a get creative, be happy for the love you have because it is very special and true love is a rare quality in today's world. The word love has every emotion attached to it but if you are still together you are still experiencing the most exciting emotion in life, LOVE!

Here is a link on enjoying Valentines Day on a Shoestring Budget and I hope it will give you more ideas to not forget that love is not how much money you have but how much you love others.

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