Friday, February 18, 2011

Save Money To Have Fun!

We are having a break in the cold weather and it was actually 65 degrees in Kansas. This is not usual for February 18, 2011. I not only enjoyed the warm temperatures but I turned off the thermostat to save electricity and saved money. These days saving all that you can on the utilities can save some money for the finer things in life. "Kil-o-wat and save a lot".is really true and very simple to do. I do not need to give my hard earned money to the electric company. If you have the money to waste then read no further.

By actually turning off the heat or unplugging a cord saves money. Electricity is still drawing power through the socket with a plug even when it is not in use which costs money. In December which was not very cold this year my electricity jumped from $150 in December to over $325 in January then back down to $200 in February. It was colder in the month of January then it was in December. A few degrees makes a big difference. A simple check and change of the filter, turning the heat to 69 degrees at night and/or during the day made a big difference in my bill. I just wore extra clothes.

The change in prices at the grocery store from last week to this week really showed an increase. It is time to save money anyway you can as it is predicted that the price of groceries will get worse. I have bought Best Choice Frosted Shredded Wheat for a long time and the price was $2.50 a box which is really a good deal compared to other brands. Last week it was $2.79. The prices of groceries are expected to rise to an all time high this spring.

I know this does not sound like much but in these days of uncertainty you have to save anyway you can or you are just working to survive. We must reward ourselves for hard work or burn out will occur and your job consumes your life. Make sure you have fun because life needs a balance of work and play. All work and no play makes life fly by and before you know it you are old and tired.

As a youth I did not understand why everyone said you should enjoy your age instead of wishing you were older. I wish now that I would have listened to the grown-ups. One thing is for sure is that time stands still for no one. Save your money for living, shopping, traveling or eating out whatever your pleasure is. One minute takes forever and years go by enjoy each moment as if it was your last.

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