Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Major Snow Storm Is A Good Day To Pick Up The Seed Catalog

"Global Warming" if you believe that theory doesn't apply to today. As I stare out the window I see the snow blowing and it just keeps coming down. The temperature is to be -9 degree's tonight and with the windchill of 50 mph I will stay inside warm and safe. Luckily I do not have to be driving in it. If you are driving please be safe and take no chances. Make sure you have a scrapper, snow tires and emergency kit in the car.

Slowing down will save you time and money in the long run. No wreck and you are happy, your insurance premium does not go up and life is not interrupted. One wreck creates a great loss of time and energy in the future. I have been involved in a wreck and I was lucky to be alive. This was a great loss of time and a pain in the neck even though it was not my fault. 

Even with the snow I am still remaining positive and planning my garden for the Spring that will come soon. If you are enjoying a day at home in front of the television it is easy to grab that seed catalog and dream of the season that is promised to come. My mind has the perfect garden I just hope the weather will cooperate.

At least I have a garden hose, knowledge and can somewhat control the conditions that mother nature can throw at me sometimes. Hail storms are another story but we will discuss that at a more appropriate time.

Hopefully the groundhog will not see his shadow. Even though we know he is wrong about 70% of the time. Remember February is short, 28 days and then March. In Kansas, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb or at least we hope.

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